
Looking to expand your campus’s student capacity, but are turned off by the dull designs and lackluster customization options that you’ve experienced with other modular building companies? Luckily for you, Advanced Modular Space sister company, Class Leasing LLC, offers customers who purchase three year (or longer) contracts on new or used modular inventory with extensive customization options that you won’t find anywhere else.

Color is an important, but often overlooked component of creating an inviting and efficient learning space for your students. Multiple studies have shown that different colors can have varying effects on the learning brain- making Class’s relocatable classrooms a sure-fire way to ensure your students are receiving all they need to succeed.

Plus, who can say no to the opportunity to show your school spirit and display your school’s colors on your new portable buildings? There’s no better way to foster pride in your students, as well as show your community that you are committed to giving the best to your students.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Why don’t you give us a call at (951)-943-1908 and speak to one our talented and knowledgeable team members- and let us help you bring a little bit of color into your school.